A double Hallelujah today:
First, it isn't January! yes! Happy February, and happy birthday to our dear Ms Traci, dog (and Canadian) rescuer.
And second, 2-3 weeks of surprisingly intense writing/researching have come to fruition. Check out the byline on the latest posting on this website. I'm can't say (yet) that I'm happy with the results but I am definitely happy that the article is written.
The funny thing is, it's not especially long or detailed, and it was considerable work. One is reminded of the quote by Twain, "My apologies for the length of this letter -- I don't have time to make it brief".
ps. Those who actually make it into the article may noticed that the running example involves 3-card poker. This idea came to me right around the time that I wrote "I Fold" and un-installed the poker game.
I like the title. Congratulations! Ty
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