Sunday, June 24, 2007

Perspective, Again

There was a triathlon near Columbia, MO, yesterday. A young man in his 20s drowned during the swim. (Story is here).

He was close to the shore. I wonder if he had a heart condition. Though truly tragic, I don't think that this reflects a danger of triathlons.

He was not in the StL Tri club. I didn't know him nor does anyone in the club, based on the website posting. But it sure puts things in perspective.

So, too, does this: when the racers/organizers realized a guy went under, all of the swimmers stopped and formed a human chain to find him. The race was completely set aside until he was in the care of the medical team, as it should be.


Anonymous said...

Just saw a news clip about this fellow's death & thought of you, my friend. Be careful, CCC. You've impacted too many lives to slip away like that.


M Easter said...

Thanks, Dave... that means a lot.

Though (seriously) I think it is true of everyone who reads this blog re: impact.


Anonymous said...

My Friend Chris Died here in PEI last summer. The sport heart think. He was 34, and it put alot of perspective in Colleen and I's life.
Take Care, it's 60 day today.

K. said...

I know you are an awesome athlete, but this is a reminder of how close we all stand to the edge. You are well loved, my friend, don't take any unnecessary risks out there. We want you nice and healthy when you come visit us in Seattle :)