Thursday, December 28, 2006

Gift Cage-Match

This is a tale of 2 gifts that I received from my immediate family.

In the left corner, it's the iPod Shuffle. This tiny micro-player is my first entry into the next generation of media players. I have long been hooked on the musical crack of iTunes, but now I can get a fix on the fly. There is even potential that ol' Herbie (the car) will be catapaulted into the 21st century (via an adapter).

In the right corner, it's World Vision Canada. Binky, my sister, and others have been giving gifts to needy families in the 3rd world. A family in Africa received a rooster and 2 hens in my name. Very cool indeed....

And so the showdown comes down to benevolent charity versus hip marketing. It seems like a lock, but if anyone can out-hip social justice, it's Steve Jobs, wearing black. Zounds! The contest looks like it will end in an uneasy draw, save for the fact that the rooster, being the beneficiary of an aviary menage-a-trois, tips the scales.... Rejoice!

World Vision 1 Apple 0

1 comment:

Binky said...

For the record- I too own an iPod shuffle- got it last Christmas. Coolest damn machine I've ever owned...
