Sunday, December 07, 2008

Call for ideas

A friend is starting a meme (aka fad) of posting favourite holiday recipes on one's blog.

I'm going to post Mom's rhubarb dessert but I want a good name for it.

Islanders and other readers, step up and help me out! Here are some ideas:
  • Audrey's Rhubarb Dessert (my Mom's name)
  • Island Rhubarb Dessert
  • Abegweit Rhubarb Dessert (Abegweit is a native Canadian word)
  • Old Abby's Rhubarb Dessert (Abby is short for above)
  • Red Rock Rhubarb
Some of those are lame..... but you see the idea



Unknown said...

I say go with MOM's Rhubarb Dessert

JAK said...

I got nothin'.

I like the first two best, though.

K. said...

Whatever you call it, I'd love the recipe. I adore rhubarb!

M Easter said...

thanks folks... I was under a tight deadline so I went with Island Rhubarb Dessert.

See the recipe over at the tech blog