Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ringtone Revolution

Sometimes, you just know something is going to happen. I had a feeling back in the 1980s that the Japanese motorbike manufacturers would start doing Harley knock-offs. Now, they are everywhere. I knew this before the bike makers knew it.

I have another idea. I'm writing quickly now because Microsoft is getting close and nipping at my heels. Their new iPod wannabe, the Zune, can "squirt" songs. The idea is that if 2 people with Zunes are in close proximity, that Person A can send a song to Person B using wireless capability (with a short message). My guess is that this will be buggy in practice but the idea is excellent.

My idea is "collective ringtones". And it will be very annoying. Here's the scenario:

-- Person A gets a call on their cell
-- Before ringing the cell checks the immediate vicinity for other people on the same network. If someone is found, then it sends a message to Person B's phone.
-- Person A's cell goes off, perhaps with "Shave and a haircut"
-- Person B's cell goes off with "two bits!"

Great.... Movies and the symphony will never be the same (yet again).

Remember, you heard it here first.

1 comment:

Kontessa Krunk, Esq. said...

If this collective ringtone sharing comes to pass and the MTA decides to allow cell phone reception on the trains, I'm going to have to start packing a pistol on the morning commute.