Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Raccoon Reckoning

Many of the readers of CaptainComicCanuck have been asking for an update on the dastardly raccoon situation.

There's still one, maybe two, in the deck above me (aka l'Hotel de Le Raton Laveur). The apartment complex has left some traps but the raccoons chuckle heartily as they scurry by. Strangely, I saw one whilst driving to the YMCA this morning at 6 am -- it was huffling down the street looking for a sewer opening. Either that or it was trying to burn off some extra calories from the Dumpster Buffet.

I even thought that the buggers learned to play guitar, as I could clearly hear one the other night. Thankfully, it is my new neighbour below me, whose stock instantly went up when I learned he was a fretter.

ps. The French call the raccoon "le raton laveur" / "the washing rat".

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