Monday, January 02, 2012

Hello, 2012

Happy New Year, readers!

My long break from work is about to end. It has been mostly good, filled with warm fuzzies, though the last days have been bruisers, along with the dreaded return.

I don't have the energy to do a full post of resolutions, but one idea for 2012 is to reboot with a new personal blog. One that is public. I've also considered revealing this blog to the world (which will probably be uneventful - does anyone really want to read about the nefarious Jim G in 2007?)

I have been kicking around some ideas for the new site, but as it gets more serious, I wonder about life with no private outlet. Writing offline in a word processor just doesn't feel right; I'm accustomed to the feeling of having a potential audience.

Ah well. It will all work out. Cheers to all!


ps. I contacted my old confidant, Jim O, tonight. It had been many months but we caught up for 90 minutes like it was nothing. Really terrific...

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