Wednesday, September 06, 2006

2 Kids, A Fish, and now A Cat

She's back! My cousin is blogging on her adventures. This and Binky are the only blogs from home (so far) and massively important.

A key theme: my 2nd cousins, Action Girl (aka L) and Super Girl (aka J), whose photos adorn my office door and whose lives have happened since I came to the US (that freaks me out). Also, my cousin teaches at the same elementary school that I attended. The legendary West Kent. (I often tell people I was more of a Renaissance Man at age 10 then I will ever be now.). Finally, the "hubby" is a first-ballot Hall-of-Fame inlaw. Like my sister, my cousin chose well and I have 2 friends in the family.

1 comment:

Binky said...

Hey CCC,
Thanks for the plug, dude!

On a similar note, blogging seesm to be an easier way to stay in touch than e-mail ever was, eh?

The girls have a picture of you up as well.

Still waiting of that entry from a Jim G. perspecetive,