Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ironmen and Ironwomen in StL

From the Post-Dispatch:

"Some Saturdays when I'm out riding 100 miles in 90-degree heat while all my friends are at the pool or at barbecues, I'll think, 'This is crazy,'" said Ofsthun. "And there's always some time during every race where you think, 'I'll never do this again.' But my sister said it's like having a baby: You forget what the pain is like. And the next day, you go to the finisher's banquet and sign up for the next one."

me: I'm no Ironman (more of an Aluminum Man), but it is true that you forget the pain. Tri #5 is this Sunday.

1 comment:

JAK said...

Good luck--I'll be thinking of you!